110 avenue de France
75013 Paris

Phone : +33 (0) 9 72 72 01 73

Senior Management

Stéphanie Cervetti

Stéphanie Cervetti

General Manager


BPCE Infogérance & Technologies (BPCE-IT) is committed to build the most efficient, innovative, secure and useful technology for users and information systems of Groupe BPCE establishments.

BPCE-IT thus allows nearly 35 million customers of the Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne to have access to their banking information while carrying out their transactions with complete ease and guarantees that more than 100,000 Group employees benefit from high-performance IT tools, all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..

Website www.bpce-it.fr

2024 figures
  • 1,660
  • 14
  • 111,000
  • 74,000
  • 4
  • 117

  22.1 million customers connected to online banking services

Presentation of BPCE Infogérance et Technologies

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