Groupe Habitat en Région

7, Promenade Germaine Sablon
75013 Paris

Senior Management

Christine Fabresse

Christine Fabresse


François Rieu

François Rieu

President of the Habitat en Région economic interest grouping


The Habitat en Région group, a major player in social housing in France, is the social housing operator of the Caisses d’Epargne and Groupe BPCE.

Its 20 subsidiaries, present throughout France, fulfill their social utility mission within a decentralized organization consisting, in particular, of 3 territorial coordination companies located in three different geographical regions: Hauts de France, PACA, and Occitanie. Thanks to this original model, the Habitat en Région group nurtures a strong national ambition while simultaneously acting as closely as possible to the local and regional level in full awareness of their specific priorities and problems.

Each company in the Habitat en Région group contributes to social cohesion in the different regions in which it operates and maintains close ties with its stakeholders: tenants, employees, government departments, local authorities, associations, construction companies and suppliers, banks and other social landlords. With them and for them, the Group creates value for the greater benefit of the regions, making residents active players in their homes and neighborhoods, enabling them to forge links in the pursuit of joint initiatives, promoting their residential experience, and contributing to the development of neighborhoods and towns beyond the residences themselves. This calls for the development of an ambitious corporate culture that makes residents the central focus of all its actions. By relying on an economic interest grouping of resources, Habitat en Région coordinates the activities of this community of companies and, together, they form a group actively involved in their local and regional communities and a key player nationwide.


2022 Figures
  • 20
  • 241,000
  • 490,000
  • 3,300