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Groupe BPCE’s history has been shaped by its cooperative values and its commitment to economic and social progress. At the core of its mission is a concern for how its decisions impact a variety of stakeholders: customers, cooperative shareholders, employees and the wider civil society. A key part of this mission includes the potential impact of each of its activities on human communities and the natural environment. This is why Groupe BPCE has put sustainable development at the heart of its work.
The information on this page predates the publication of the updated Social Funding Framework on 10th April 2024 and available here. These elements only apply to social bonds which fall under the framework document of Groupe BPCE’s sustainable development bond program dated April 2020 and applicable until the publication of the updated Social Funding Framework on 10th April 2024.
Groupe BPCE intends to support regional and community development and resilience through financing of small businesses, SMEs and non-profit organizations that seek to benefit to people who live and/or work in economically and/or socially disadvantaged areas or communities.
Via Human Development eligible assets, Groupe BPCE intends to contribute to access both to healthcare facilities & services and to inclusive and equitable quality education.
Groupe BPCE intends to contribute to access to healthcare and improvment of healthcare facilities & services in France.
Groupe BPCE is one of the main leading players in social housing in France and has developed a dedicated methodology for social housing issuances
As a major player of sport activities in France, Groupe BPCE has implemented a specific methodology to the Sport economy in order to issue dedicated social bonds.
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This information contained on this website does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, an offer or invitation to sell or purchase, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities of Groupe BPCE in the United States or any other jurisdiction. If you are located in, or a resident of, the United States of America (including its territories, the “United States”), you may only access the following pages if you are a qualified institutional buyer (“QIB”) as defined in Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and by clicking “I hereby accept” below, you further agree, warrant and acknowledge as follows: