Banque Populaire

The Banque Populaire banks have always been the partners of people who have the audacity to undertake, of people who forge ahead, who embrace the entrepreneurial spirit in the unshakable conviction that success is within everybody’s grasp, provided they give themselves the necessary means.

For this reason, the Banque Populaire advisors do their utmost to accompany, support, and bring to fruition their customers’ projects, whether large or small, personal or professional.

The Banque Populaire banks, thanks to their strong local presence, their cooperative business model and the fact they are 100%-owned by their cooperative shareholders, play a major role in the economic and social life of the French regions in all the areas of banking and insurance.

The Banque Populaire network comprises 12 Banque Populaire banks and 2 affinity-based national banking institutions: CASDEN Banque Populaire and Crédit Coopératif.

14 Banque Populaire banks

1878 Creation of the first Banque Populaire bank in Angers.

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(Re)Discover 140 years of history written by the Banque Populaire

The first Banques Populaires came into being over 140 years ago, when local entrepreneurs, craftsmen and shopkeepers, hitherto excluded from banking channels, banded together to develop their own sources of financing by creating cooperative banks inspired by the humanist and mutualist movements emerging in Europe at that time.

Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires

Our customers
  • Digital banking and physical network

    Thanks to their close personal relationships, a short decision-making process, and a greater digitalization of their product and service offerings, the Banque Populaire banks provide their individual customers and their families with a comprehensive range of banking and insurance services that are also available online. Building on their extensive expertise in financial engineering and wealth management, the Private Banking advisors provide a wide range of dedicated products for high-net-worth customers. CASDEN Banque Populaire, for its part, caters specifically to the needs of French public employees.

    In 2023, Banque Populaire came in 3rd place in the Corbeille d’Or award for retail banking networks organized by the monthly Mieux Vivre Votre Argent magazine. This award recognizes Banque Populaire’s expertise in financial savings and the quality and diversity of its range of solutions for all its customers.

  • Digital banking and physical network

    Thanks to their close personal relationships, a short decision-making process, and a greater digitalization of their product and service offerings, the Banque Populaire banks provide their individual customers and their families with a comprehensive range of banking and insurance services that are also available online. Building on their extensive expertise in financial engineering and wealth management, the Private Banking advisors provide a wide range of dedicated products for high-net-worth customers. CASDEN Banque Populaire, for its part, caters specifically to the needs of French public employees.

    In 2023, Banque Populaire came in 3rd place in the Corbeille d’Or award for retail banking networks organized by the monthly Mieux Vivre Votre Argent magazine. This award recognizes Banque Populaire’s expertise in financial savings and the quality and diversity of its range of solutions for all its customers.

Catalysts of corporate-citizenship initiatives: close to the solidarity-based economy

By redistributing a part of their earnings in the form of commitments to corporate-citizenship initiatives, the Banque Populaire banks actively support local activities and have been distributing a range of sustainable or socially-supportive products for more than 20 years. Crédit Coopératif, one of the 14 Banque Populaire banks, is the go-to bank for the social and solidarity-based economy and for socially committed citizens.

2023 figures
  • 5.2 million of cooperative shareholders
    5.2 million of cooperative shareholders
  • 9.7 million of customers
    9.7 million of customers
  • No.1 of bank for SMEs and franchise-holders
    No.1 of bank for SMEs and franchise-holders
  • No.2 of bank of craftsmen and small retailers
    No.2 of bank of craftsmen and small retailers
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