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Caisse d’Epargne

The Caisse d'Epargne has always set itself the task of being helpful to each and everyone without ever losing sight of its collective purpose. As such, it combines confidence, modernity, a local presence, and social solidarity for the benefit of all its customers.

Its corporate slogan, "Vous Être utile" (“Being helpful”) reflects this day-to-day commitment.

The 15 Caisse d’Epargne cooperative banking institutions, whose capital is 100% owned by their cooperative shareholders, are constantly innovating to ensure that their customers – individuals, professionals, businesses and all the different players in the regional economy – are given the very best support in realizing their personal and professional goals, from start to finish.

15 Caisses d'Epargne

1818 Creation by two philanthropists of the first Caisse d’Epargne savings bank in Paris

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1999 – 2019: The Caisses d'Epargne have been cooperatives for 20 years

20 years ago, the Caisses d’Epargne joined the family of cooperative banks thanks to the law reforming their status. Since then, the Caisses d’Epargne have convinced over 4.5 million customers to become cooperative shareholders, and have built up with them and their elected representatives a strong relationship founded on trust.

Fédération nationale des Caisses d'Epargne

A full-service retail bank for individual and professional customers

The Caisses d’Epargne offer a comprehensive range of banking and insurance solutions for individual and professional customers (self-employed professionals, craftsmen, small retailers, franchise-holders, etc.): savings and private banking products, real estate loans, consumer credit, property, provident and health insurance policies, etc. They provide their customers with a full range of digital services designed to simplify their daily lives.
The Caisses d’Epargne also actively support female entrepreneurship.

Catalyst for regional dynamism

The Caisses d’Epargne support regional decision-makers by setting their actions within a framework of long-term, trusting relationships. The banks maintain close ties with their customers in terms of interpersonal relations and the decision-making process to guarantee efficiency and responsiveness: business leaders, players active in the social and solidarity-based economy as well as in the social housing sector, representatives of local authorities or associations, etc. They provide them with appropriate and innovative solutions in terms of financing, payments, cash flow management, investments, employee savings and retirement schemes.

Society: sustainable and positive impact at a local and regional level

The social and environmental responsibility of the Caisses d’Epargne has formed an integral part of their history since the moment of their creation.
To ensure their economic performance over the long term and a positive impact on their regions, the Caisses d’Epargne have adopted a national framework to guide the way each Caisse d’Epargne develops its own cooperative, social and environmental strategy. The goals of this strategy are to make the French savings banks key players in the transformation of their territories and the local economy, to encourage their employees and cooperative shareholders to become “cooperative players” and anticipate the needs of society in order to build progressive solutions.

Within the framework of its partnership with the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024 and in pursuit of its long-established commitment to sport, the Caisse d’Epargne has created Pacte Utile, a program of commitments designed to ensure that France’s most important sporting event of the decade remains “Games useful for all.” The Pact makes three promises: to be useful to the athletes, to be useful to society at large, and to be useful to local and regional France. More particularly, it has set up a program aimed at restoring and building sports grounds and facilities that are accessible to all and promote the free and inclusive practice of sport.

2023 figures
  • 4.4 million of cooperative shareholders
    4.4 million of cooperative shareholders
  • 16.9 million of customers
    16.9 million of customers
  • 2nd largest retail banking network in France
    2nd largest retail banking network in France
  • No.1 private provider of funding for the hospital sector
    No.1 private provider of funding for the hospital sector
  • No.1 bank for protected persons
    No.1 bank for protected persons
  • No.1 private provider of funding for local authorities
    No.1 private provider of funding for local authorities
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